Posted by on June 25, 2019 4:20 am
Categories: µ Newsjones

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Getty

There are 23 Democratic candidates currently running for the 2020 presidency, and all of them get dressed every morning. What they decide to wear is by no means the most pressing issue in this monumental election. Then again, neither is their preferred comfort food—and we already know what those are, courtesy of The New York Times.

What to wear for a job interview is a near-universal stressor, and everyone who takes the debate stage Wednesday and Thursday has willingly subjected themselves to a 16-month hiring process.

Sure, you could say the bar for a presidential wardrobe is low, considering the Donald Trump regularly tapes his ties together. But when nearly every candidate promises to restore “dignity,” “honor,” or another synonym plucked from to the White House, a small part of that promise includes dressing well.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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