Posted by on December 19, 2019 11:30 pm
Categories: µ Newsjones

Justin Sullivan/Getty

It was the night Amy Klobuchar has been dreaming of for all of 2019. Whether it was the smaller debate stage, or a candidate finally finding her groove, the stars all seemed to align. Amy Klobuchar won the debate. 

She came across as very comfortable and likable. She had the second-most amount of time, after Bernie Sanders. She nearly won the clock. She has experience, but these debates exercise a different muscle. Maybe it took her a while to acclimate to these debates. That could be fortuitous, if she is peaking at the right moment.

I hesitate to talk too much about her smile and likability, for fear of being accused of sexism, but I think this is a big challenge for a lot of female candidates who want to appear tough and experienced. She probably did the best job of balancing all of these things that I have ever seen.

Read more at The Daily Beast.