Posted by on April 25, 2019 9:00 am
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Categories: µ Newsjones

The New York Civil Liberties Union has threatened to sue Rep. Pete King if he keeps blocking people on Facebook, but the Long Island congressman says he’s willing to go to court to fight for his right to block.

In a letter to King, the NYCLU demanded he unblock 70 people by May 3. “Silencing these voices is an affront to the First Amendment and to the core values of our democracy,” wrote legal director Christopher Dunn. “If you do not unban these constituents promptly, we intend to file a federal lawsuit to vindicate their rights.”

Here are just two examples of the kind of messages that got constituents banned from posting on @RepPeteKing‘s Facebook page:

Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey endorsed Joe Biden soon after he launched his presidential campaign.

“As both a US Senator and our Vice President, he has delivered results for the middle class, kept our country safe and strengthened our standing in the world,” Casey said.

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