Posted by on February 12, 2019 3:11 pm
Categories: µ Newsjones

Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters

In their annual letter, Gates and his wife Melinda hone in on what he says are the “five grand challenges” to combating climate change and global warming: agriculture, buildings, electricity, manufacturing, and transportation. Bill Gates wrote that Breakthrough Energy Ventures, the $1 billion fund he’s a partner in, will be using the “five challenges” as a guide for all future investments they make, which will focus on where emissions come from.

“It’s important that people know that electricity, it’s only a quarter of the emissions,” Gates said in a promo video for the letter. “Things like cement, steel, meat—there’s a lot of other activities that are generating 75 percent of it.

“Solar panels are great, but we should be hearing about trucks, cement, and cow farts too,” he wrote.

Read more at The Daily Beast.