Posted by on February 28, 2020 4:30 pm
Categories: µ Newsjones

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Rexburg Police

The investigation into the disappearance of doomsday mom Lori Vallow’s children has exposed a bitter, mudslinging custody battle between her niece and the niece’s ex-husband—with allegations of cult membership, child-stealing, and attempted murder.

The fight is being waged between Melani Pawlowski and Brandon Boudreaux, an Arizona couple who were married with four children until things started to get very strange in the summer of 2019.

That’s when, according to Boudreaux, his wife began spending a lot of time with Vallow, her aunt, and joined what he called a doomsday cult. She suddenly demanded a divorce, blindsiding Boudreaux.

Read more at The Daily Beast.