Posted by on April 1, 2020 2:00 am
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Categories: µ Newsjones

The video-call provider has apologised for sending data to Facebook without users’ permission, showing that we must be vigilant about the tech we use

A couple of months ago, Zoom was a dull, if successful, videoconferencing app that not many people knew about. Now, it is a household name and an integral part of many of our quarantined lives. We conduct business meetings on it; we chat to our mates on it; some people even have sex parties on it.

Yet there are growing concerns over what it does with users’ data. You may think you are working from the privacy of your own home, but the software is probably sharing a lot more information about you than you realise. Zoom has an attention-tracking feature, for example, which notifies the host of some video calls if participants click away to look at something else.

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