Posted by on March 16, 2021 8:18 am
Categories: µ Newsjones

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) is putting pressure on new Attorney General Merrick Garland to look into the FBI’s 2018 investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

The Guardian reports that Whitehouse is asking the DOJ to conduct a full review of the FBI’s investigation, which he described as “fake” and incomplete.

In a letter sent to Garland, Whitehouse claimed that the FBI ignored the requests of many people who said they wanted to give information about Kavanaugh’s past behavior after he was accused of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford.

“This was unique behavior in my experience, as the Bureau is usually amenable to information and evidence; but in this matter the shutters were closed, the drawbridge drawn up, and there was no point of entry by which members of the public or Congress could provide information to the FBI,” Whitehouse wrote.

Whitehouse also criticized the tip line the FBI set up for the Kavanaugh probe, which he said “operated more like a garbage chute, with everything that came down the chute consigned without review to the figurative dumpster.”