Posted by on December 8, 2019 10:30 am
Categories: µ Newsjones

Sleepiness is one thing, but tiredness can be caused by stress, pain or habitually poor lifestyle choices. Here’s how to feel more rested

“It’s important to recognise that there’s a difference between tiredness and sleepiness,” says Hugh Selsick, chair of the Sleep Working Group at the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Tiredness is: “I’m lacking energy and concentration, I’m irritable. I’m not motivated.” Sleepiness, however, is: “I am battling to stay awake. When I sit on the bus I’m nodding off.” Sleepiness is usually a sign of a sleep disorder or not getting enough sleep, whereas tiredness could be caused by many things – stress, pain, anaemia or hormone problems most commonly. If you have concerns about your sleep, Selsick recommends getting specialist help via your GP.

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