Posted by on April 19, 2019 9:55 am
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Categories: µ Newsjones

As the final season gets underway, the loose ends are piling up. We run the odds on the biggest burning questions, from who Arya will kill to whether Brienne and Tormund will make ‘giant warrior babies’

Season eight of Game of Thrones has more than a few smouldering questions it needs to answer in its six bumper-length episodes. And as it’s the final season, no character is safe. Who will live, who will die – all bets are off. Which invariably means all bets are on.

It’s not all about total warfare, feudal politics and draogonry, either – seven densely packed seasons have left dozens of secondary plot threads wafting in the breeze. Smaller things that might not mean a whole lot in the grand scheme, but mean a lot to those invested in the minutiae of Westeros. How will the show go about resolving these? Will it simply not bother? And what else might be in store?

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