Posted by on January 4, 2019 10:37 pm
Categories: µ Newsjones

Jennifer Bain

There is an orgy of eating at Cuban baseball games that starts with devastating roast pork sandwiches, ends with balls of shredded coconut deliciousness, and takes your mind off the absence of beer.

Getting to a baseball game to eat that pork sandwich — achingly moist meat and chopped crackling pulled from a whole roasted pig, piled on a fist-sized white bun and then lightly salted — is a sport in itself.

There is a Cuban baseball website, but it is either unofficial or badly done and so lists some games, but never the ones you need. There may or may not be game announcements in newspapers and on TV. There are hotel concierges, taxi drivers, and random people on the street who claim to truly love baseball, but shrug helplessly when asked when and where the next game is.

Read more at The Daily Beast.