Posted by on December 25, 2019 2:00 pm
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Categories: µ Newsjones

From volunteer firefighters to the teens of TikTok, in a world that feels increasingly grim, it’s good to have someone to admire

I’m a true cynic who has never believed in role models. I’m wary of the Inspiring Woman Industrial Complex™ and its exhortations for us to Lean In or Eat, Pray and Love. Heroism is a label I would bestow lightly, if ever, knowing how the milkshake duck quacks for us all, eventually.

And yet there is something about the chaos and awfulness of 2019 that has softened me up for inspiration. You could be forgiven for almost flinching at breaking news alerts at this point – our politics is so woefully scandal-ridden, our leaders are so comically terrible. Traits we were raised to believe were wrong – lying, cruelty, greed – are embraced wholeheartedly by leaders like Donald Trump. In many parts of Australia, we end the year shrouded in smoke and ash.

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