Posted by on December 20, 2019 1:25 pm
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Categories: µ Newsjones

The right can get away with boring leaders. But for the left to end its losing streak, it must choose someone phenomenal

There’s a hard truth for anyone who stands on the left side of the political divide, a truth demonstrated again in recent days. Put starkly, the left usually loses. In the UK, Labour has governed for just 30 of the last 85 years. Of the eight men who have been president of the French fifth republic, only two have been socialists. In the postwar tally of US presidents, Republicans outnumber Democrats.

There are countless reasons for this, but here’s one to contemplate in a week when the reality of a fourth consecutive election defeat for Labour slowly sinks in (very slowly in some quarters), and as Democrats contemplate poll numbers showing that even as Donald Trump becomes only the third president in US history to be impeached he still enjoys an edge over his leading Democratic rivals in the battleground states likely to decide the election next November.

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