Posted by on January 4, 2019 2:00 am
Categories: µ Newsjones

Barnes was in a car with her mother and sisters when a man fired into the vehicle, in what some fear was a racist attack

The FBI has joined local law enforcement in a Texas manhunt to locate the suspect who shot and killed a seven-year-old girl in a drive-by shooting in Houston on Sunday. Prominent local and national activists have put up $100,000 in reward money for the man’s capture as outrage grows over what some suspect may have been a racist attack.

The victim, Jazmine Barnes, was riding in the car with her mother, LaPorsha Washington, and three sisters, leaving a Walmart, when authorities say a man in a red pick up truck pulled up alongside them and fired into the vehicle. The gunfire killed Jazmine and wounded Washington, as well as her six-year-old daughter, who has not been identified.

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