Posted by on January 3, 2019 7:17 pm
Categories: µ Newsjones

Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast

Over the past year or so, when he wasn’t shooting his new Showtime series Kidding, comedy legend and longtime anti-gun advocate Jim Carrey has spent much of his time creating surreal works of art that comment on the Trump administration. His latest piece, shared with his 18 million Twitter followers on Thursday, takes on a new target: fellow comedian Louis C.K.

The original painting, which only comes into full focus when expanded to view in its entirety, shows Parkland, Florida, shooting survivor turned gun-control activist Emma Gonzalez towering over a tiny silhouette of Louis C.K. standing before a microphone. If you zoom in far enough, you may notice that his penis is out. “Drawn to scale,” Carrey has written across the top. The caption reads, “Louis can’t C. K?”

It is Carrey’s way of firing back, so to speak, at Louis C.K. for jokes he made about the Parkland shooting survivors in audio of a nearly hour-long comedy set that leaked just before the new year.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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