Posted by on December 21, 2019 11:00 am
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Categories: µ Newsjones

So many near misses – now she’s No I in the US charts

After 25 years of providing the definitive soundtrack to Christmas parties everywhere, and just two wonderful months as the devoted face of pigs in blanket-flavoured crisps, Mariah Carey has finally hit the US No 1 spot for the very first time with All I Want for Christmas Is You. The fact that it has taken so many Christmases to get there is astonishing, given its seasonal dominance.

But All I Want for Christmas… is one of the few festive songs it is difficult to grow tired of, and I say this as someone who worked in a department store over two long Christmases, and had my ears bludgeoned by the same CD of pan-piped yuletide joy on repeat, a Santa boot stamping on the human spirit, forever.

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