Posted by on December 23, 2019 4:55 am
Categories: µ Newsjones

The powerful man at the beginning of Little Women wishes the story had more scandal. 

Greta Gerwig’s sensational, swoon-inducing adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s seminal novel takes an audacious swing, and it connects beautifully. Rather than tell the story from beginning to end, her narrative jumps back and forth through time, depicting the March family’s struggles and evolution over the seven years after the Civil War. Alcott’s own experience trying to sell her novel are subtly woven into the story arc.

Bookending the film are scenes between Jo March (Saoirse Ronan) and a publisher (Tracy Letts). His advice about her writing is reductive and sexist; he underestimates her talent and worth because she’s a woman, and, later, he misjudges the universal appeal of a story about four sisters grappling with their identities and desires. 

Read more at The Daily Beast.