Posted by on January 2, 2019 1:43 pm
Categories: µ Newsjones

Photo Illustration by Kelly Caminero/The Daily Beast

Mitt Romney isn’t even sworn in as a U.S. Senator yet, and he’s already triggered the heck out of President Stompy-Foot, the Toddler-In-Chief. Within hours of Romney’s searing op-ed in the Washington Post, Trump’s itchy Twitter finger got the best of him, leading to this eminently mockable tweet:

A team player? The irony hit most higher mammals like a cast-iron frying pan to the face. “Team player” isn’t in Trump’s political lexicon. Trump has always reserved his most bitter ire, vicious personal attacks, and gratuitous smears for Republicans, particularly those who dare to question his execrable judgment, daily outrages against conservatism, or hand size. Just as Trump insults and belittles our allies while offering Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and the rest of the Lil Dictator’s Club things like foot massages and sweet love notes, he attacks Republicans with a spleen rarely displayed toward Democrats.

Romney’s editorial is in many ways a bookend to his 2016 speech condemning Trump. In a speech at the Hinckley Institute in Utah, Romney tore the bark off Trump, calling for Republicans to hold to some shred of their principles and reject Trump. That call to arms went sadly unheeded, and every prediction he made concerning Trump’s disastrous reign of misrule is playing out.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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