Posted by on November 6, 2020 9:47 pm
Categories: µ Newsjones

Anadolu Agency/Getty

Aside from perhaps Donald Trump himself, no one is struggling more with what appears to be the president’s impending re-election defeat than QAnon conspiracy theorists.

Since Oct. 2017, when the mysterious “Q” first began issuing clues on the anonymous message board 4Chan, QAnon believers have been promised that Trump would bring down a “cabal” of pedophile-cannibals in the Democratic Party, Hollywood, and banking with mass waves of arrests in a cathartic moment called “The Storm.” They have been promised that The Storm would solve not only the world’s biggest problems, but their own. At various points, they have even convinced each other that Trump would solve diseases like cancer and absolve crushing medical and credit card debts.

But as Joe Biden builds his lead in Pennsylvania, QAnon followers are faced with their greatest challenge yet. For years, they’ve been told that—no matter how bad things looked for Trump on the outside—the president and the military had everything in hand. “Patriots were in control,” Q told them in one popular motto, “Enjoy the show.”

Read more at The Daily Beast.