Posted by on December 19, 2019 9:56 pm
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Categories: µ Newsjones

Catastrophic bushfire conditions expected for several SA regions, Queensland faces severe fire danger and Melbourne weather forecast for hottest ever December day, as Morrison says he ‘deeply regrets any offence caused’ by holiday. Follow the latest news and updates

2.56am GMT

#AirQuality update: Air Quality impacts are expected from wind blown dust across the whole state. Greatest impacts are likely to be in the North West specifically between Mildura, Horsham, Swan Hill and surrounds Visit AirWatch for the latest updates

2.48am GMT

View of the smoke from the NSW bushfires shrouding Melbourne’s CBD:

This is quite incredible; the State Control Centre says the smoke haze that has shrouded #Melbourne is from the NSW bushfires @9NewsMelb @9NewsAUS @vicemergency #melbourneweather #NSWbushfires #NSWfires

Very hot conditions extending across the SE states today with temperatures in excess of 40C in some places. Severe to extreme heatwave conditions. Smoke from NSW fires has reached Melbourne as seen in this 12pm satellite imagery.

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