Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker review – may the ninth be with you…
JJ Abrams proves a safe pair of hands in this crowd-pleasing but unadventurous finale to the latest trilogy of the space opera
Ending a Star Wars trilogy can be as tricky as destroying a Death Star, requiring a rare mix of battlefield experience and blind faith in The Force. Those, presumably, are the qualities that put JJ Abrams back in the pilot’s seat for this safe but solid series finale, after Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow (who was originally signed to direct) failed to take control of this blockbuster ship.
Turning his back on the controversies of The Last Jedi, Abrams conjures a mix of crowd-pleasing spectacle and unadventurous storytelling, steering a whizz-bang course between a series of oddly familiar set pieces as he ties up some long-running narrative threads while leaving others hanging. The result is a handsome if creaky and oddly inconsequential final film that lurches around the galaxy at light speed without actually getting anywhere, as it steers a course between the inventive and the inevitable.