The 10 Best Movies of 2019, From Adam Sandler’s Insane Gambler to AOC’s Star Moment
Things got off to a pretty rocky start in 2019. Jair Bolsonaro, the “Trump of the Tropics,” began his reign as president of Brazil; Venezuela suffered a crisis in leadership; Alva Johnson, a former Trump campaign official, became the umpteenth woman to accuse the president of sexual harassment or assault; and Trump continued to stretch the bounds of executive power, as is his wont. On the cinema front, the offerings were, well, rubbish. Remember that groan-worthy Intouchables remake with Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart, on the heels of Hart’s homophobia backlash? Or the unholy abomination that was Glass? How about whatever the hell Serenity was?
Fortunately for moviegoers, things got better. A lot better. Netflix, of all places, announced itself as a major awards player with the searing divorce drama Marriage Story, Martin Scorsese’s three-hour-plus epic The Irishman, and pas de deux The Two Popes; there were wonderful documentaries, including the thrilling AOC vehicle Knock Down the House; and a bevy of impressive foreign fare, like the latest from masters Pedro Almodóvar and Bong Joon-ho.
We’ve already covered the most overlooked movies of the year. Now it’s time for the big guns: the very best movies of 2019.
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