Posted by on December 21, 2019 5:03 am
Categories: µ Newsjones

Courtesy of CHOICES Center for Reproductive Health

I’ve had one abortion, three miscarriages, one ectopic pregnancy, and two live births. To GOP politicians, including and most notably the president of the United States, that means I’m worthy of one high-priced condominium in hell, three episodes of unfettered compassion, one state-mandated and medically impossible surgery, and, even though they’re the so-called party of “family values,” two joyful reminders that I live in a country that refuses to mandate paid family leave, equal pay, universal childcare, universal pre-K, and a seat at the political table. 

But it also means I’ve been forced to procure necessary reproductive health care from a variety of establishments and via a number of doctors. I’ve seen two separate OB-GYNs for the birth of both my sons. I’ve seen Planned Parenthood medical providers for pap smears, birth control, and one scary breast cancer exam. I’ve seen a third OB-GYN for medication to save me from certain death after an ectopic pregnancy diagnosis, and a fourth OB-GYN who volunteered her time at a local Planned Parenthood for my abortion. 

My reproductive health-care chart resembles a 200-piece puzzle; discombobulated and impossible to put together unless you have someone (with a generous Adderall prescription) fixated on and knowledgeable of all the moving parts. 

Read more at The Daily Beast.