Posted by on January 2, 2019 12:46 pm
Categories: µ Newsjones

The View returned from its extended holiday break on Wednesday morning just in time to weigh in on the leaked Louis C.K. stand-up set that hit the internet in the final hours of 2018.

“Louis C.K. has been popping up in comedy clubs and he’s getting his behind kicked on social media,” Whoopi Goldberg began the segment. “Especially after a performance where he mocked Parkland shooting survivors, Asian men and the LGBT community. I didn’t see it but some people were offended and some were not.”

Others at the table had listened to the nearly hour-long audio in which Louis C.K., who has been slowly mounting his comeback over the past year after admitting to masturbating in front of female comics, makes fun of everything from gender-neutral pronouns to the student activists who survived the Parkland shooting. A bit about Asian men having “small dicks” has received less attention, though The View’s Meghan McCain noted that it was “ridiculous and tone deaf” for Louis C.K. to “talk about penises in any way” given his transgressions.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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