Posted by on January 2, 2019 10:07 pm
Categories: µ Newsjones


If any family is emblematic of our unhealthy obsession with fame, status, and image, it’s most definitely the Kardashians. The family has truly had the glow-up of the century, parlaying an one of the most famous criminal cases in recent years (thanks, OJ) and a leaked sex tape into a multimedia empire, and a hard-won spot in the upper echelons of Hollywood. Not too long ago, Kim Kardashian was merely Paris Hilton’s assistant-turned-sidekick; now, she and the rest of her family are household names.

Thanks to Kris Jenner’s canny ability to keep her family in the headlines (the devil works hard, but Kris Jenner works harder), keeping up with the Kardashians is now easier than ever—especially given the monstrous social-media presences of Kim, Kylie, Kendall, et al. A casual scroll through Kylie Jenner’s flawless Instagram page can quickly lead to an obsession—and that’s where the debut episode of MTV’s True Life/Now comes in.

The season premiere follows three Kardashian acolytes from across the country, all of whom share an unnatural obsession with America’s most famous family. Graysen, a military spouse in Jacksonville, North Carolina, is an aspiring makeup artist who wants to meet Kim Kardashian more than anything; Brittany, a 20-year-old from Orlando, Florida, is a Kylie wannabe whose quest for fame knows no bounds; and Sherrah, a 26-year-old from Brooklyn, is hoping her love of plastic surgery a là Kim and Kylie will turn her humdrum job as a bartender into a gig as a “startender”—that is, a “star bartender.”

Read more at The Daily Beast.