Posted by on December 25, 2019 10:00 am
Categories: µ Newsjones

Anyone who tries to be all things to all people is going to come up short, and usually in more ways than one. You can’t be your kid’s best friend and a steady parental presence at the same time. You can’t spend all your time looking out for your friends and never taking care of yourself. And so on.

In a good number of years of testing out kid and parenting gear, I’ve found the same holds true when it comes to products. The 12-position tactical baby carrier that’s suitable for newborns through preschool is too complex and confusing to configure. A stroller that tries to be full-sized yet lightweight is often flimsy and unwieldy. A car seat that’s super compact is often hard to install and doesn’t feel safe and secure enough. And so on.

To that end, today we’re talking about a decidedly compact, lightweight stroller and a decidedly large, secure car seat. With these two pieces of hardware (and a car into which to secure said seat, of course), my 21-month-old daughter is ready to roam the world. With her parents, I mean.

Read more at The Daily Beast.