Posted by on November 4, 2020 5:33 pm
Categories: µ Newsjones

Sarah Silbiger/Getty

Election Night I went to sleep around 11p.m. My heart hurt, I slept one of those fitful sleeps you have on airplanes or in hospital rooms. I woke up trying to figure out if it was morning or still the middle of the night. I felt slightly sick, my eyes dry and red from that worst kind of unrestful sleep. I went to sleep defeated, worried that we were facing another four years of Trumpism.

It was quite a shock, as I had been told in the weeks leading up to the election that I should expect a blue wave. I was told Democrats would pick up Georgia or North Carolina or maybe Florida. I was told Texas was “in play.” I was told that suburban women would save us, that the suburbs were turning against Trump, that America was going to for once and for all reject the racism, the stupidity, the sexism, the hate, the anti-science rhetoric.

I was told Democrats would easily take the Senate, and add seats to the Congress. I knew this was the repudiation of Trumpism that America needed. All of a sudden, I was greedy! Should we pack the courts, should we make Mitch McConnell the Senate shoeshine boy? Maybe AOC would take Gillibrand’s seat? Maybe not Medicare for All but a public option seemed possible.

Read more at The Daily Beast.