Posted by on January 4, 2019 3:43 pm
Categories: News µ Newsjones

Drew Angerer/Getty

Tom Steyer, the billionaire philanthropist who has amassed an enormous email list of over 6.5 million people with his Need to Impeach campaign, has committed an additional $6 million to a new national ad focused on impeaching President Trump, The Daily Beast learned on Friday.

That sum total will go to a national cable buy and broadcast advertising in early presidential primary states like Iowa, Nevada, and South Carolina along with a digital campaign that will stretch over the next month.

Approximately $2.5 million will be devoted for television and $3.5 million will go towards the digital effort. The ad will begin running on Saturday, just days before Steyer makes a trip to Iowa for his “Five Rights” tour—all while he mulls a possible 2020 presidential run.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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