Posted by on December 26, 2018 10:48 am
Categories: Uncategorized

The New York Times has a late Christmas gift to those who have questioned Donald J. Trump’s failure to serve in the military during the Vietnam War.

In the fall of 1968, Donald J. Trump received a timely diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels that led to his medical exemption from the military during Vietnam.

For 50 years, the details of how the exemption came about, and who made the diagnosis, have remained a mystery, with Mr. Trump himself saying during the presidential campaign that he could not recall who had signed off on the medical documentation.

Now a possible explanation has emerged about the documentation. It involves a foot doctor in Queens who rented his office from Mr. Trump’s father, Fred C. Trump, and a suggestion that the diagnosis was granted as a courtesy to the elder Mr. Trump.

It looks like Trump’s two other quacks, Harold Bornstein and Ronny Jackson, are not alone!

The information provided by Elysa Braunstein, daughter of podiatrist Larry Braunstien, suggests a quid-pro-quo:

“I know it was a favor”… Elysa Braunstein said the implication from her father was that [Donald] Trump did not have a disqualifying foot ailment. “But did he examine him? I don’t know,” she said. … “What he got was access to Fred Trump,” Elysa Braunstein said. “If there was anything wrong in the building, my dad would call and Trump would take care of it immediately. That was the small favor that he got.”

Admittedly, this is a difficult story to corroborate…

No paper evidence has been found to help corroborate the version of events described by the Braunstein family, who also suggested there was some involvement by a second podiatrist, Dr. Manny Weinstein. Dr. Weinstein, who died in 1995, lived in two apartments in Brooklyn owned by Fred Trump.…

… or debunk:

Dr. Braunstein’s daughters said their father left no medical records with the family, and a doctor who purchased his practice said he was unaware of any documents related to Mr. Trump.

But given the revelations in the mind-blowingly massive exposé on Fred and Donald Trump’s business practices published by the Times in October, we find the possibility of a draft-dodging deal more than merely plausible.