Posted by on February 20, 2020 4:57 am
Categories: News µ Newsjones

Photo Illustration by Kelly Caminero/The Daily Beast/Shutterstock

On Tuesday evening President Trump was front and center, signing a document pledging the federal government’s assistance for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. He was joined by several other administration officials—Treasury Secretary and Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice executive producer Steve Mnuchin, acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Senator Lindsey Graham (for some reason), and Casey Wasserman, sports superagent and the chair of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Committee.

The meeting was mostly unremarkable, peppered with lots of “Mr. Presidents,” talk about how cool the Olympics are and how many medals the mighty United States has managed to win in them. There was also Trump validating the federal government’s role in making sure the games go smoothly, and taking a second to make sure everyone knows that he thinks having the Olympics in Los Angeles is a great idea—even if Obama wasn’t as into it, the party pooper. But, as per Messy President Rules, the meeting went a little off the rails when Trump was asked about homelessness in Los Angeles, and if the federal government had a role to play in addressing the issue in the run-up to the Olympics:

Well, we had no role, but we’re really taking a role in it. I see it. I see what’s happening to L.A. I see what’s happening to San Francisco. I see what’s happening to some great cities. And I’ve said to my people: Whether they like it not, we’re going to have to do something.

Read more at The Daily Beast.