Which Christmas movie are you?
We all have a favourite festive film. But what does it mean if you are an Elf fan or a Love, Actually aficionado?
What’s your favourite Christmas movie? You’ll have an easy answer to this, of course, because at this time of year it suddenly becomes very important to not only tell everyone about your love for one specific Christmas film, but also to defend it no matter what. People have died defending their choice of Christmas film. It has ripped families asunder. It’s like a happier, less pointless Brexit.
Your favourite Christmas movie is a defining aspect of who you are. If you like Scrooged then you do your best to disguise your soft centre with acts of practised cynicism. If you like A Charlie Brown Christmas you’re a die-hard nostalgist convinced that the world is constantly getting worse. If, like me, your favourite Christmas movie is the 2000 Nicolas Cage romantic comedy-drama The Family Man, then you’re really cool and obscure and all your friends are jealous about your amazing taste.