Why Does Starbucks Melt Conservative Brains?
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) had an important warning to share on Tuesday: A Starbucks manager in North Carolina was firing employees for saying “Merry Christmas,” a sure sign to him of future persecution against Christians.
There was just one problem. The supposed Starbucks manager, who tweeted from the account @MuellerDad69, was not a Starbucks manager at all but a co-host of the lefty humor podcast “Eat The Rich.” The trolly tweet should have been an obvious joke. But King was the latest conservative personality to fall for a hoax about Starbucks and its supposed politics.
During the holiday season, and especially in a year when Starbucks’ founder attempted to launch a presidential campaign, the coffee company has become a magnet for contentious political issues. Starbucks is more than a purveyor of hot bean water—it’s the family table where America goes to argue.